We have brought two days of "boat 2019" behind ourselves and now can announce full pride that we are owners of a nail new farmer of compressor. Thank you very much Hubsys . We have discussed the demands and circumstances on site and were discussed competently. To short Rechnerei a lot the choice on a navy 250 compressors. This will supply you in future with fresh air.
Now usually unnoticed, nevertheless, in the Notall vital, our first help equipment it is on the newest state. Beside emergency oxygen incl. all required breath giver we have AED on the base. Also to the education of our guests and Staff was thought, we have procured an AED trainer and our Practi-Man. Therefore nothing more stands to an education in the way. At this point I would like to thank quite warmly the team of O2 Rescue to us on the boat have consulted really and competently. And quite warmly with our Ralf to us has given some tips.
As the next we the order of the equipment checked and the containers packed.
See you later you
Well Done!
Compressor and Emergency First Response